Chain Attack

Chain Attack
Chain AttackRelated Agent

Chain AttackChain Attack
Chain Attack: Tranquil Serenade
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:
Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, dealing massive Electric DMG
When this attack hits an enemy, the skill's DMG increases by 3% for every stack of Subjugation in Core Passive: Eternal Seasons the target has.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Eight Sounds of Ganzhou
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:
Launch a series of powerful strikes over a large area in front, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing massive Electric DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Chain Attack: Tranquil Serenade
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Ultimate: Eight Sounds of Ganzhou
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

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