
Friend NicknameNicole Demara
Birthday DetailsNOV 11
FactionClass Cunning Hares
ClassClass Support
ElementClass Ether
Damage TypeClass Strike
The Vault
The Vault
Basic Support Certification Seal4
Advanced Support Certification Seal32
Ruler Certification Seal30
Agent Skill Upgrade
Basic Ether Chip25
Advanced Ether Chip75
Specialized Ether Chip250
Hamster Cage Pass5
Core Skill Upgrade Material
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary60
Ferocious Grip9
Agent InfoHIA License Archive Information:
Hollow Investigator - Nicole. High aptitude for Ether. Permitted to conduct investigations, basic mining, etc. in known Hollows within the city (including companion Hollows).
Alert: Data shows Nicole's Hollow investigator license has not been renewed for a long time and is about to expire.
Failure to undergo the relevant tests at one's own expense after the expiry date may result in the license being revoked.

Base Stats
Core Skill
Mindscape Cinema

Base Stats

LevelATKDEFHPImpactCRIT RateCRIT DMGAnomaly MasteryAnomaly ProficiencyPEN RatioEnergy RegenPromotion
Basic Support Certification Seal4
Advanced Support Certification Seal12
Advanced Support Certification Seal20
Ruler Certification Seal10
Ruler Certification Seal20
Basic Support Certification Seal4
Advanced Support Certification Seal12
Advanced Support Certification Seal20
Ruler Certification Seal10
Ruler Certification Seal20


Basic AttackBasic Attack
Basic Attack: Cunning Combo
Press to activate:
Unleashes up to 3 strikes, dealing Physical DMG.

Basic Attack: Do As I Please
After using a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, and her Basic Attack and Dash Attack are enhanced, increasing the power of her bullets.

Level 12
Basic Attack: Cunning Combo
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
0.7 / 1.041 / 3.754
Basic Attack: Do As I Please
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier

Dodge: Speed Demon
Press to activate:
A quick dash dodge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Drag the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} to dodge, then hold to reload while dodging, enhancing Basic Attacks and Dash Attacks up to 8 times.

Dash Attack: Jack in the Box
When dragging the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} during a dodge, press :
Dashes in the target direction and strikes nearby enemies, dealing Physical DMG.
When not dragging the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} during a dodge, press :
Vaults backward and launches a ranged strike against enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance her Basic Attack and Dash Attack, up to 8 times.

Dodge Counter: Diverted Bombard
Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
Dodge backwards and send a ranged strike at enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Level 12
Dash Attack: Jack in the Box
Forward Dash DMG Multiplier
Backward Vault DMG Multiplier
Forward Dash Daze Multiplier
Backward Vault Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
1.02 / 2.159
Dash Attack: Do As I Please
Forward Dash DMG Multiplier
Forward Dash Daze Multiplier
Dodge Counter: Diverted Bombard
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen

Quick Assist: Emergency Bombard
When the active character is launched, press to activate:
Dodge backwards and send a ranged strike at enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Defensive Assist: The Hare Strikes Back!
When the character on field is about to be attacked, press to activate:
Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Window of Opportunity
Press after a Defensive Assist to activate:
Charge forward and bombard enemies, dealing Ether DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Quick Assist: Emergency Bombard
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
Defensive Assist: The Hare Strikes Back!
Light Defensive Daze Multiplier
Heavy Defensive Daze Multiplier
Chain Defensive Daze Multiplier
Assist Follow-Up: Window of Opportunity
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: Sugarcoated Bullet
Press to activate:
Unleashes a ranged strike against enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

EX Special Attack: Stuffed Sugarcoated Bullet
With enough Energy, press to activate:
A powerful ranged strike, generating an energy field that pulls enemies towards its center to deal Ether DMG.
Hold down to charge up this attack, during which a small energy field is generated at the muzzle as Energy is consumed, dealing bonus DMG to enemies nearby.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
A Quick Assist is triggered when this skill hits an enemy.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Level 12
Special Attack: Sugarcoated Bullet
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: Stuffed Sugarcoated Bullet
Charged Attack DMG Multiplier
Bombard DMG Multiplier
Energy Field DMG Multiplier
Charged Daze Multiplier
Bombard Daze Multiplier
Energy Field Daze Multiplier
Charged Attack Energy Cost
20 Energy/sec
Bombard Energy Cost

Chain AttackChain Attack
Chain Attack: Ether Shellacking
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:
Unleashes a powerful ranged strike at enemies in a small area, generating an energy field that pulls enemies towards its center to deal Ether DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
A Quick Assist is triggered when this skill hits an enemy.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Ultimate: Ether Grenade
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:
Unleashes a powerful ranged strike at enemies in a small area, generating an energy field that pulls enemies towards its center to deal Ether DMG.
When using this skill, other squad members recover 10 Energy. The next character to switch in gains an additional 20 Energy.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
A Quick Assist is triggered when this skill hits an enemy.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Level 12
Chain Attack: Ether Shellacking
Bombard DMG Multiplier
Energy Field DMG Multiplier
Bombard Daze Multiplier
Energy Field Daze Multiplier
Ultimate: Ether Grenade
Bombard DMG Multiplier
Energy Field DMG Multiplier
Bombard Daze Multiplier
Energy Field Daze Multiplier

Core Skill

Core SkillCore Skill
Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 20% for 3.5s.

Additional Ability: Hare of Many Burrows
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:
When Nicole's Core Passive: Mechanical Case applies a debuff to an enemy, all squad members deal 25% more Ether DMG to the target for 3.5s.

Level 7

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 15

• Base Energy Regen +12

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 25% for 3.5s.

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 25

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 30% for 3.5s.
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary2

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 35

• Base Energy Regen +12

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 34% for 3.5s.
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary4

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 45

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 36% for 3.5s.
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary9
Ferocious Grip2

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 55

• Base Energy Regen +12

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 38% for 3.5s.
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary15
Ferocious Grip3

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 60

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Mechanical Case
After hitting an enemy with a Special Attack, EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, Nicole can reload, enhancing her Basic Attack and Dash Attack. When her enhanced bullets or Energy Field hits an enemy, the target's DEF is reduced by 40% for 3.5s.
Higher Dimensional Data: Murderous Obituary30
Ferocious Grip4

Mindscape Cinema

NicoleNicole | Supercharged Bomb
The DMG and the Anomaly Buildup inflicted by Nicole's EX Special Attack increases by 16%. For each additional 0.1s of charging when Nicole activates her EX Special Attack, the duration of the energy field created at the target location increases by 0.15s

"I've juiced you all up! Go get 'em!"
"Huh? I-I wasn't slacking off, I swear — I just needed a break!"
NicoleNicole | Charging Device
Nicole recovers 5 Energy when Core Passive: Mechanical Case's debuff is triggered. This effect can trigger once every 15s.

"Never underestimate the value of a single second!"
"Do you have any idea how much extra I can squeeze out of just one second? It's unfathomable!"
"So, can I get a productivity bonus? How about 10%, huh?"
NicoleNicole | A Hare's Cunning
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Without overpowering might or abundant resources, Nicole depended on her own sharp mind to bring the Cunning Hares to where they are today.
NicoleNicole | Field Expansion
When Nicole uses her EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, the diameter of the energy field generated at the target location is increased by 3m.

"This, and this too — all of this will soon become the Cunning Hares' territory. Do you hear me!"
"W—What? How soon?"
"Uh... in about ten thousand years, based on current revenue projections."
NicoleNicole | Industry Star
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Though they have plenty of enemies in the industry, Nicole has led her team out of many impossible situations, and so their reputation and experience steadily grew.
NicoleNicole | Corrupting Energy Field
When Nicole's energy fields deal DMG to an enemy, all squad member's CRIT Rate against that enemy increases by 1.5%, stacking up to 10 times, and lasting 12s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

A switch to higher quality ammo with better firepower and increased compressed Etheric Matter leads to higher damage, longer use duration... and higher costs.

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