Special Attack

Special Attack
Special AttackRelated Agent
Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: "Windchimes & Oaths"
Press to activate:
Quickly move away, then release Tremolo, dealing Ether DMG, and enter the Idyllic Cadenza state.
During activation, dragging the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} enables movement in the direction held.
Hold to charge during activation, drawing enemies in, and follow up with 1 to 4 Tremolos depending on the charge duration.
A Quick Assist will be triggered when this skill hits an enemy.
Character is invulnerable when quickly moving away.

Idyllic Cadenza
After entering the Idyllic Cadenza state, Astra Yao increases all squad members' DMG by {CAL:0.08+AvatarSkillLevel(1)*0.01,100,2}% and CRIT DMG by {CAL:0.07+AvatarSkillLevel(1)*0.015,100,2}%.
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, Astra Yao cannot move, but pressing will activate Basic Attack: Interlude, and pressing will activate a dodge. After triggering a Perfect Dodge, press to activate Basic Attack: Chorus.
While in this state, Astra Yao's Anti-Interrupt Level is increased, and the DMG she takes is reduced by 40%. After switching to another character, Astra Yao will remain on the field and become Invulnerable. When switching back to her, she will automatically follow up with Special Attack: "Windchimes & Oaths".
During this state, hold to activate Basic Attack: Finale, exiting the Idyllic Cadenza state, or hold to exit the Idyllic Cadenza state directly.

For every 25 Energy, Astra Yao will have 1 Chord.
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, when Astra Yao has Chords, a Quick Assist can be triggered in the following situations:
· When the active character's attack hits an enemy, once per 3s.
· When the active character's heavy attack hits an enemy, once per 1s.
When other squad members switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, Astra Yao will consume 25 Energy and release 1 Tremolo to attack. This Tremolo attack released is considered an EX Special Attack.
After triggering a Quick Assist, quickly press to switch characters and trigger a Precise Assist, causing Astra Yao to follow up with 3 Tone Clusters to attack. When other squad members switch in through a Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, it will automatically trigger a Precise Assist.

Level 12
Special Attack: "Windchimes & Oaths"
Minimum DMG Multiplier
Maximum DMG Multiplier
Minimum Daze Multiplier
Maximum Daze Multiplier
Follow-Up Tremolo DMG Multiplier
Follow-Up Tone Cluster DMG Multiplier
Energy Cost

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