Basic Attack

Basic Attack
Basic AttackRelated Agent

Basic AttackBasic Attack
Basic Attack: Cold-Bore Shot
Press to activate:
Unleashes up to 4 shots ahead. The first 3 hits deal Physical DMG, the 4th hit deals Electric DMG.

Basic Attack: Silenced Shot
Hold to activate:
Trigger enters the Sniper Stance and fires forward continuously, dealing Electric DMG.
While continually firing, when attacked by an enemy, Trigger will automatically evade. This effect can trigger once every 8s.
While continually firing, you can drag the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} to adjust her position to the left/right/back.
Automatically evading attacks or adjusting position when about to be hit will trigger a Perfect Dodge, followed by an automatic charged counter.
After releasing , Trigger will step back, ready her weapon and unleash a Finishing Move, then exit Sniper Stance.
Character is invulnerable during the charged counter and Finishing Move.
When the continuous firing or the charged counter hits an enemy, Trigger gains 25 Purge, up to a maximum of 100 Purge.
When the Finishing Move hits an enemy, it triggers a Quick Assist from the previous character in the squad.

Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot
When Trigger has Purge, use another active character in the squad to hit an enemy with a Basic Attack, Dodge Counter, Special Attack, or Quick Assist to activate:
Rapidly fire two shots around the target enemy, dealing Electric DMG.
Upon activating this skill, consume 3 Purge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot is an Aftershock attack.
The squad can trigger Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot once every 3s.

Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot - Tartarus
When Trigger has Purge, use another active character in the squad to hit an enemy with a heavy attack from an EX Special Attack, Assist Follow-Up, or Ultimate to activate:
Performs three rapid shots around the target enemy, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing Electric DMG.
Upon activating this skill, consume 5 Purge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot - Tartarus is an Aftershock attack.
The same skill type can trigger Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot - Tartarus up to 2 times within 20s for the entire squad.

Level 12
Basic Attack: Cold-Bore Shot
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
4th-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
4th-Hit Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
0.987 / 2.002 / 3.281 / 6.976
Basic Attack: Silenced Shot
Shot DMG Multiplier
Counter DMG Multiplier
Finishing Move DMG Multiplier
Shot Daze Multiplier
Counter Daze Multiplier
Finishing Move Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
1.362 / 6.957 / 4.489
Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot
Continuous Fire DMG Multiplier
Continuous Fire Daze Multiplier
Basic Attack: Harmonizing Shot - Tartarus
Continuous Fire DMG Multiplier
Finishing Move DMG Multiplier
Continuous Fire Daze Multiplier
Finishing Move Daze Multiplier

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