| Name | Severed Innocence |
Rarity |      |
Class | Attack |
Base Stat | Base ATK |
Base Stat | 48 ~ 713.8 |
Advanced Stat | CRIT DMG |
Advanced Stat | 19.2% ~ 48% |
W-Engine Effect | Tranquil Blossom CRIT DMG is increased by 30%. When the equipper lands a hit with a Basic Attack, Special Attack, or Aftershock, they gain 1 stack of a buff. Each stack increases the equipper's CRIT DMG by an additional 10%, stacking up to 3 times. The effect lasts for 30s, with each stack's duration calculated separately, and can only be triggered once per use of a skill. With all 3 stacks, the equipper's Electric DMG increases by 20%. |
Promotion | 400K 4 32 30 |
Related Agent | Soldier 0 - Anby |
Description | Equip to increase Attack Agents' combat capabilities |
Description | ... |
Story | ... |