| Name | Spring Embrace |
Rarity |     |
Class | Defense |
Base Stat | Base ATK |
Base Stat | 40 ~ 594.8 |
Advanced Stat | Percent ATK |
Advanced Stat | 10% ~ 25% |
W-Engine Effect | Hot Spring Soup Reduces DMG taken by 7.5%. When attacked, the equipper's Energy Generation Rate increases by 10% for 12s. When the equipper switches off-field, this buff will be transferred to the new on-field character with its duration refreshed. Passive effects of the same name do not stack. |
Promotion | 320K 3 26 24 |
Description | Equip to increase Defense Agents' combat capabilities |
Description | A special W-Engine equipped with a temperature regulator where residual heat generated by the W-Engine's high frequency is funneled into the hot springs on its surface. |
Story | A special W-Engine equipped with a temperature regulator where residual heat generated by the W-Engine's high frequency is funneled into the hot springs on its surface. The owner of this W-Engine can drink hot spring soup with all its spring warmth in front of frost-covered enemies. Of course, some people think it's like drinking bath water. |