When activating her Chain Attack or Ultimate, Evelyn gains Shadowstring Edge for 20s. During Shadowstring Edge, when Evelyn hits enemies with a Basic Attack, Dash Attack, Special Attack, or EX Special Attack, an additional Lunalux Garrote will be released for a follow-up attack, dealing Fire DMG equal to 375% of Evelyn's ATK. This DMG is considered Chain Attack DMG and can trigger up to 16 times. The number of triggers will be refreshed each time Shadowstring Edge is gained.
Where there is light, there will always be shadow. It silently hides, tracing the light's path, guarding each bright burst. The shadow never tries to steal the light's brilliance, but at every turn, it quietly fills those corners the light cannot reach. The two have never been separated, nor can they be — light is whole because of shadow, and shadow exists because of light. It's an eternal pursuit, an unspeakable connection. |
Looks awesome so far, you guys are the best! ps u r gey 2