Special Attack

Special Attack
Special AttackRelated Agent

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: Locked Position
Before entering Binding Seal, press or to activate:
Use Lunalux Garrote to pull the enemy and charge forward with a kick, dealing Fire DMG.
When the attack hits the enemy, Evelyn will use Lunalux Garrote to bind the primary target and enter Binding Seal.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
After entering Binding Seal, press or hold to activate:
Centered on the target affected by Binding Seal, tether surrounding enemies and detonate an explosion, dealing Fire DMG. Binding Seal will end after detonation.
Dodge enemy attacks upon activating the skill, and if a Perfect Dodge is triggered, gain an additional 25% Burning Embers.
After tethering surrounding enemies, press to cancel detonation and immediately follow up with the Basic Attack's 3rd hit.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
After entering Binding Seal and with enough Energy, press or hold to activate:
Centered on the target affected by Binding Seal, tether surrounding enemies and detonate an explosion, dealing massive Fire DMG. Binding Seal will end after detonation.
Dodge enemy attacks upon activating the skill, and if a Perfect Dodge is triggered, gain an additional 25% Burning Embers.
After pulling in surrounding enemies, press to cancel detonation and immediately follow up with the Basic Attack's 3rd hit.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Special Attack: Locked Position
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
Bind DMG Multiplier
Explosion DMG Multiplier
Bind Daze Multiplier
Explosion Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
Bind DMG Multiplier
Explosion DMG Multiplier
Bind Daze Multiplier
Explosion Daze Multiplier
Energy Cost

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