Special Attack

Special Attack
Special AttackRelated Agent

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: Time to Hunt
Press to activate:
Unleashes a series of strikes in front, dealing Ice DMG.
Hold down to charge up, increasing its power.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Thrill of the Hunt
With enough Energy, press to activate:
Unleashes a series of powerful strikes in front, dealing massive Ice DMG.
Hold down to charge up, consuming Energy and enhancing the power of the attack.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Special Attack: Time to Hunt
DMG Multiplier
Charged Attack DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Charged Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: Thrill of the Hunt
DMG Multiplier
Charged Attack DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Charged Daze Multiplier
Activation Energy Cost
Charged Attack Energy Cost

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