Special Attack

Special Attack
Special AttackRelated Agent

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: Cooling Bento
Press to activate:
Soukaku releases a wind current in front of her and unleashes her finishing move, dealing Ice DMG.
During skill activation, Anti-Interrupt level increases, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.
Holding while using this skill allows for a quick transition to Fly the Flag.

EX Special Attack: Fanning Mosquitoes
With enough Energy, press to activate:
Releases wind currents of extended range in front of her, dealing massive Ice DMG.
This skill can be triggered consecutively by pressing repeatedly. Each use consumes a specified amount of Energy. When Soukaku's Energy is depleted, or you stop pressing the button, she unleashes a powerful finishing move that deals massive Ice DMG.
During skill activation, Anti-Interrupt level increases, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.
Holding while using this skill allows for a quick transition to Fly the Flag.

Special Attack: Rally!
Hold to activate:
Soukaku plunges her weapon into the ground, morphs it into a flag, and launches Fly the Flag, dealing Ice DMG. Hitting an enemy with Fly the Flag triggers a Quick Assist.
Pressing or after Fly the Flag activates a Special Attack as she retracts the flag, dealing Ice DMG.
If Soukaku owns 3 stacks of Vortex on using Fly the Flag, she consumes all 3 stacks and enters the Frosted Banner state. In the Frosted Banner state, she can unleash an enhanced Basic Attack or an enhanced Dash Attack, dealing massive Ice DMG. This effect can last up to 45s or stack up to 6 times.
Soukaku's weapon gains Vortexes in the following circumstances:
Gains 1 stack of Vortex when launching an EX Special Attack,
Gains 1 stack of Vortex when launching a Chain Attack,
Gains 3 stacks of Vortex when launching an Ultimate.
Soukaku can accumulate a maximum of 3 stacks of Vortex.

Level 12
Special Attack: Cooling Bento
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
Finishing Move DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
Finishing Move Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: Fanning Mosquitoes
Consecutive Attack DMG Multiplier
Wind Current DMG Multiplier
Consecutive Attack Daze Multiplier
Wind Current Daze Multiplier
Energy Cost to Use
Energy Cost of Each Attack
Special Attack: Rally!
Fly the Flag DMG Multiplier
Quick Fly the Flag DMG Multiplier
Lowering the Flag DMG Multiplier
Fly the Flag Daze Multiplier
Quick Fly the Flag Daze Multiplier
Lowering the Flag Daze Multiplier

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