
DodgeRelated Agent

Dodge: Speed Demon
Press to activate:
A quick dash dodge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Drag the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} to dodge, then hold to reload while dodging, enhancing Basic Attacks and Dash Attacks up to 8 times.

Dash Attack: Jack in the Box
When dragging the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} during a dodge, press :
Dashes in the target direction and strikes nearby enemies, dealing Physical DMG.
When not dragging the {LAYOUT_CONSOLECONTROLLER#stick}{LAYOUT_FALLBACK#joystick} during a dodge, press :
Vaults backward and launches a ranged strike against enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance her Basic Attack and Dash Attack, up to 8 times.

Dodge Counter: Diverted Bombard
Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
Dodge backwards and send a ranged strike at enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Automatically reloads after the attack to enhance Basic Attack and Dash Attack up to 8 times.

Level 12
Dash Attack: Jack in the Box
Forward Dash DMG Multiplier
Backward Vault DMG Multiplier
Forward Dash Daze Multiplier
Backward Vault Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
1.02 / 2.159
Dash Attack: Do As I Please
Forward Dash DMG Multiplier
Forward Dash Daze Multiplier
Dodge Counter: Diverted Bombard
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen

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