
Friend NicknameJane Doe
Birthday DetailsFEB 16
FactionClass Criminal Investigation Special Response Team
ClassClass Anomaly
ElementClass Physical
Damage TypeClass Slash
Sharpened Stinger
Sharpened Stinger
Basic Anomaly Certification Seal4
Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal32
Controller Certification Seal30
Agent Skill Upgrade
Basic Physical Chip25
Advanced Physical Chip75
Specialized Physical Chip250
Hamster Cage Pass5
Core Skill Upgrade Material
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist60
Ferocious Grip9
Agent InfoHollow Investigation Association Licensing Archive—
Public Security Officer: Zhu Yuan. Ether aptitude confidential. Licensed for investigation, exploration, and other basic work in known Hollows (including Companion Hollows) in the city.
Note: Zhu Yuan's file belongs to the New Eridu Public Security Janus Quarter Metropolitan Order Division Criminal Investigation Special Response Team. The relevant information can be obtained within the Public Security system, requiring special access permissions.
Further Note: Zhu Yuan has excellent Ether aptitude.

Base Stats
Core Skill
Mindscape Cinema

Base Stats

LevelATKDEFHPImpactCRIT RateCRIT DMGAnomaly MasteryAnomaly ProficiencyPEN RatioEnergy RegenPromotion
Basic Anomaly Certification Seal4
Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal12
Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal20
Controller Certification Seal10
Controller Certification Seal20
Basic Anomaly Certification Seal4
Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal12
Advanced Anomaly Certification Seal20
Controller Certification Seal10
Controller Certification Seal20


Basic AttackBasic Attack
Basic Attack: Dancing Blades
Press to activate:
Unleashes up to 6 attacks in front, dealing Physical DMG.

When Jane triggers Perfect Dodge, Defensive Assist, or performs a move that deals DMG to the enemy, she accumulates Passion Stream. Upon reaching the maximum Passion Stream, Jane enters the Passion state.
While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 25%. Additionally, if Jane's Anomaly Proficiency exceeds 120, each extra point raises her ATK by 2, up to a maximum of 600.
In the Passion state, Jane's skills that deal damage consume Passion Stream. Activating a Perfect Dodge or Defensive Assist regenerates Passion Stream. Jane exits the Passion state when all of her Passion Stream is consumed.

Basic Attack: Salchow Jump
Entering the Passion state grants Jane one use of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump.
When available, hold to activate:
Launch rapid consecutive attacks forward, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing Physical DMG.
Hold the button during the consecutive attacks to extend the skill duration. Release to trigger the Finishing Move early.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased during the consecutive attacks, and Jane takes 40% reduced DMG. Jane is invulnerable during the Finishing Move.
Using and damaging an enemy with Basic Attack: Salchow Jump while in the Passion state generates Passion Stream.

Level 12
Basic Attack: Dancing Blades
1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
4th-Hit DMG Multiplier
5th-Hit DMG Multiplier
6th-Hit DMG Multiplier
1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
4th-Hit Daze Multiplier
5th-Hit Daze Multiplier
6th-Hit Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
0.501 / 1.448 / 1.946 / 3.589 / 2.246 / 6.543
Basic Attack: Salchow Jump
Consecutive Attack DMG Multiplier
Finishing Move DMG Multiplier
Consecutive Attack Daze Multiplier
Finishing Move Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
7.499 / 4.02

Dodge: Phantom
Press to trigger.
A quick slide dodge.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Jane has an extra dodge. Before she enters the Passion state, she alternates between the two dodges. After entering the Passion state, Jane can pass through enemies in front when dodging.

Dash Attack: Edge Jump
Press during a dodge to activate:
If after the first dodge, launch an upward slash in front, dealing Physical DMG.
If after the second dodge, perform a consecutive slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust
While in the Passion state, press during a dodge to activate:
Launch three quick rushing slashes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow
Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
If after the first dodge, unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG.
If after the second dodge, leap up and deliver three consecutive attacks to enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance
While in the Passion state, press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:
Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Dash Attack: Edge Jump
1st-Dodge DMG Multiplier
1st-Dodge Daze Multiplier
2nd-Dodge DMG Multiplier
2nd-Dodge Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
1.17 / 1.17
Dash Attack: Phantom Thrust
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow
1st-Dodge DMG Multiplier
1st-Dodge Daze Multiplier
2nd-Dodge DMG Multiplier
2nd-Dodge Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
3.9 / 3.9
Dodge Counter: Swift Shadow Dance
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen

Quick Assist: Dark Thorn
When the active character is launched, press to activate:
Unleash multiple slashes at enemies in front, followed by a downward thrust, dealing Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Quick Assist: Lutz Jump
While in the Passion state, when the active character is launched, press to activate:
Slash enemies in front quickly multiple times, dealing Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Defensive Assist: Last Defense
When the on-field character is about to be attacked, press to activate:
Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Gale Sweep
Press after a Defensive Assist to activate:
Leap up and swiftly slash the enemy, then execute a wide sweeping slash across a large area in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Quick Assist: Dark Thorn
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
Quick Assist: Lutz Jump
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Regen
Defensive Assist: Last Defense
Light Defensive Daze Multiplier
Heavy Defensive Daze Multiplier
Chain Defensive Daze Multiplier
Assist Follow-Up: Gale Sweep
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: Aerial Sweep
Press to activate:
Leaps into the air to launch consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing Physical DMG.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout
With enough Energy, press to activate:
Leaps into the air to launch multiple consecutive kicks forward, then sweeps across, dealing massive Physical DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Special Attack: Aerial Sweep
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: Aerial Sweep - Clearout
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Energy Cost

Chain AttackChain Attack
Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:
Weaves between and slashes enemies in a large area in front, dealing massive Physical DMG.
Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Final Curtain
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:
Weaves between and slashes enemies with a powerful attack in a large area in front, followed by a Finishing Move, dealing massive Physical DMG.
Jane directly enters the Passion state upon activating the skill, and gains max Passion Stream.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Level 12
Chain Attack: Flowers of Sin
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Ultimate: Final Curtain
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Core Skill

Core SkillCore Skill
Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 20% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.1%.

Additional Ability: Sore Spot
When another character in your squad is an Anomaly character or shares the same Faction:
Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 20%. When the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup towards the target is increased by an additional 15%.

Level 7

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 15

• Anomaly Mastery +12

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 25% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.11%.

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 25

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 28% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.12%.
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist2

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 35

• Anomaly Mastery +12

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 31% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.13%.
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist4

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 45

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 34% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.14%.
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist9
Ferocious Grip2

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 55

• Anomaly Mastery +12

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 37% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.15%.
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist15
Ferocious Grip3

Core SkillCore Skill Enhancement
Agent Level 60

• Base ATK +25

Core Passive: Insight
When Jane's attacks hit an enemy, it causes them to enter the Gnawed state, lasting for 10s. If any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state and causes the Flinch effect, the Flinch effect duration is extended by 5s, and Assault DMG has a chance to trigger a critical hit, with a base CRIT Rate of 40% and CRIT DMG of 50%. Each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency further increases this CRIT Rate by 0.16%.
Higher Dimensional Data: Falling Fist30
Ferocious Grip4

Mindscape Cinema

JaneJane | Crime Counsel
The maximum uses of Basic Attack: Salchow Jump are increased by one. While in the Passion state, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by an extra 15% and each point of Jane's Anomaly Proficiency increases her DMG by 0.1%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.

"A criminal consultant advises on criminology, not on how to actually commit crimes."
Jane suddenly leaned closer and blinked.
"Of course, if you see it as the latter... I won't mind."
JaneJane | Adapt to the Environment
When Jane's attack hits an enemy in the Gnawed state, or when any squad member triggers Assault on an enemy in the Gnawed state, 15% of the enemy's DEF is ignored. Additionally, when Assault DMG triggers a critical hit, the CRIT DMG dealt is increased by an additional 50%.

Gaze into the abyss, and it gazes back. That's only the first step.
"Then you must approach, enter, and understand it. This is the second step."
"The final step... is to resist becoming it."
JaneJane | Anonymity
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

"Anonymity — that means to become anyone. Your favorite person, perhaps~"
"Or maybe, your worst fear?"
JaneJane | Adapt and Thrive
When any squad member triggers the Assault or Disorder effects, all squad members' Attribute Anomaly DMG is increased by 18%, lasting 15s.

"Whether you're a hunter or the hunted usually depends on your perspective. However, I favor a more straightforward assessment—"
"The Loser is the prey."
JaneJane | Compulsive Hoarder
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Jane's room is filled with all sorts of things, especially fast food.
"Isn't it nice here? There's food within reach everywhere~"
JaneJane | "Shady" Technique
While in the Passion state, Jane's CRIT Rate increases by 20%, and CRIT DMG by 40%. After any squad member inflicts Assault, Jane instantly enters the Passion state, and gains max Passion Stream. When Assault triggers a critical hit, Jane performs an additional attack on the target, dealing Physical DMG equal to 1,600% of her Anomaly Proficiency.

On the streets, the means don't matter, only the outcome.
"Seeing the darkest desires reveals the most crucial weaknesses."

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