Special Attack

Special Attack
Special AttackRelated Agent

Special AttackSpecial Attack
Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut
Press to activate:
Strikes enemies in front with an uppercut, dealing Fire DMG.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
Press during a shuffle dodge to activate:
Strike forward with a series of punches, dealing Fire DMG.
This skill will not interrupt the combo count for Basic Attacks.
Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
With enough Energy, press to activate:
Leaps into the air with a powerful uppercut, striking enemies in front and dealing massive Fire DMG.
Press again during this skill to spend additional Energy to perform a powerful follow-up attack, dealing massive Fire DMG.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
After using this skill, press or hold to follow up with the 4th hit of the Basic Attack.
With enough Energy, press during the shuffle dodge to activate:
Strike forward with a powerful punch combo, dealing massive Fire DMG.
This skill will not interrupt the combo count for Basic Attacks.
Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
After using this skill, press or hold to immediately follow up with the 5th hit of the Basic Attack.

Level 12
Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
EX Special Attack: V-Form Sunrise Uppercut - Full Distance
DMG Multiplier
Follow-Up DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Follow-Up Daze Multiplier
Activation Energy Cost
Follow-Up Energy Cost

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